Primary: P90 Akimbo
Secondary: G18 Akimbo
Equipment: Semtex
Grenades: Stun
Perk 1: Marathon Pro
Perk 2: Lightweight Pro
Perk 3: Steady Aim Pro
Death streak: Painkiller
Playstyle: This class is a typical Pray 'n Spray class. Precise aiming is not really important, as akimbo P90's tend to have alot of bullet-spread. Instead, try to get close to your enemy before unleashing your hail of bullets. If you know you're gonna be encountering some enemy's at a range too great for your P90's, switch to your G18's. The akimbo G18's have less bullet-spread than the P90's, yet the recoil is considerable, so try to burst fire. The 50 rounds in each of your P90's give you a total of 100 rounds before having to reload. I found this to be enough for up to 4 or 5 kills. If you run out of ammo, but the enemy is close, switch to your G18's, because this is faster than reloading, and gives you another 66 rounds to get out of a tight situation. Because of the incredible fire rate of akimbo P90's, Stopping power is quite useless. I found lightweight to be by far the best perk for this class, as it makes you get within firing range of your enemy's more quickly, and especially the reduced time between sprinting and shooting comes in very handy, as you'll be sprinting around all the time. Without lightweight, I often found myself shot before even firing a single shot myself. If you don't mind giving up precision, you'll be amazed how many kills you'll be able to get with this class.
Have fun and stay tuned for the next class!
A guide to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. This guide covers the weapons in Modern Warfare 2, but if you like it, please let me know and I will add more.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tactical Killstreak class
Today's class is based on the way the One Man Army perk is (in my opinion) supposed to be used. 99% of the players using it, will use it to resupply their noob-tube, but we are not gonna do that. Let's have a look at the setup first:
Primary: ACR with ACOG scope
Secondary: -
Equipment: Claymore
Grenades: Stun
Perk 1: One Man Army
Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro
Perk 3: Ninja Pro
Death streak: Final Stand
Playstyle: This class is made to play rather defensive and tactical. Do not rush the enemy, let them come to you. The best gamemode to use this class in, in my opinion, is Domination, as the spawns are very predictable and controllable. You have to know a few choke points (places people are likely to go, and will return to if they die). Then you take controll of a building or area overlooking this choke point from a reasonable distance. This distance is quite important as the ACR is the most accurate assault rifle, and recoil is virtually non-existant. Also, the ACOG scope enhances the accuracy even more, as it adds some zoom. Once you've chosen your spot, use your One Man Army to guard your back with 2 claymores, and start building up your streak. Some good killstreak setups are 5-7-11 (predator, harriers, choppergunner/ac130), or 7-11-25 (harriers, choppergunner/ac130, tactical nuke). If you run out of ammo (this will happen quite often as you are trying to stay alive for a long time), use One Man Army to resupply. Now comes the best part: Once you've got your first killstreak, use your One Man Army to switch to another One Man Army class, with Danger Close as perk 2. Danger Close increases the damage and blast radius of ALL explosives, including all your killstreak rewards, making airstrikes, choppergunners and ac130's even more deadly. A well placed 105mm ac130 shot with danger close will easily clear out an entire bunker/cave/building giving you multikill after multikill. With a bit of luck this might take you to the precious Tactical Nuke. Some of you may say this playstile is camping, but I disagree. Camping is lying in the exact same spot with your shotgun aimed at the door, waiting for people to walk in. Our playstyle is strategically defending an area. This also means that, if the enemy captures a position and their spawn changes, you will probably have to change your position too. Always try to keep 2 positions, leaving them 1 to spawn at.
Please comment/follow and stay tuned!
Primary: ACR with ACOG scope
Secondary: -
Equipment: Claymore
Grenades: Stun
Perk 1: One Man Army
Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro
Perk 3: Ninja Pro
Death streak: Final Stand
Playstyle: This class is made to play rather defensive and tactical. Do not rush the enemy, let them come to you. The best gamemode to use this class in, in my opinion, is Domination, as the spawns are very predictable and controllable. You have to know a few choke points (places people are likely to go, and will return to if they die). Then you take controll of a building or area overlooking this choke point from a reasonable distance. This distance is quite important as the ACR is the most accurate assault rifle, and recoil is virtually non-existant. Also, the ACOG scope enhances the accuracy even more, as it adds some zoom. Once you've chosen your spot, use your One Man Army to guard your back with 2 claymores, and start building up your streak. Some good killstreak setups are 5-7-11 (predator, harriers, choppergunner/ac130), or 7-11-25 (harriers, choppergunner/ac130, tactical nuke). If you run out of ammo (this will happen quite often as you are trying to stay alive for a long time), use One Man Army to resupply. Now comes the best part: Once you've got your first killstreak, use your One Man Army to switch to another One Man Army class, with Danger Close as perk 2. Danger Close increases the damage and blast radius of ALL explosives, including all your killstreak rewards, making airstrikes, choppergunners and ac130's even more deadly. A well placed 105mm ac130 shot with danger close will easily clear out an entire bunker/cave/building giving you multikill after multikill. With a bit of luck this might take you to the precious Tactical Nuke. Some of you may say this playstile is camping, but I disagree. Camping is lying in the exact same spot with your shotgun aimed at the door, waiting for people to walk in. Our playstyle is strategically defending an area. This also means that, if the enemy captures a position and their spawn changes, you will probably have to change your position too. Always try to keep 2 positions, leaving them 1 to spawn at.
Please comment/follow and stay tuned!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Aggresive Explosives Class
First off, this is not a class designed to build up high killstreaks, as your ammo is limited and the occasional suicide does happen. Also, your enemy will probably hate you for using this setup, but don't let that keep you from having some low-skill fun.
Primary: Any Assault Rifle with Grenade Launcher
Secondary: RPG-7
Equipment: C4
Grenades: Flash
Perk 1: Scavenger/Sleight of Hand Pro
Perk 2: Danger Close Pro
Perk 3: Commando Pro
Death streak: Painkiller
Playstyle: Given that this class is not made to build up killstreaks, the way to play is to be very aggresive. Run straight towards were you suspect large groups of enemies to be, and bombard the place with RPG's and Grenades. If you think a building or room may hold one or more enemies, a well placed rocket will clear it. Aiming is not very important with the RPG, as the blast radius is quite large. Just make sure you hit something solid like a wall or the ground near the enemy, and it will often kill them. You'll find that, especially with Danger Close, you will get alot of double, triple, or even the occasional multikills. You should expect to get alot of kills, as well as alot of deaths, so if you k/d ratio means alot to you, this class is not for you. Note that where the grenade launcher will not detonate close to you, the RPG and C4 will, making suicide common. However, as long as you also make a kill with the explosion, it still means a 1 k/d, so its no big problem. When you run into an enemy at close range though, think twice before firing your RPG, as your third perk is Commando. Knifing will save you when you get caught reloading, or are inside a building. For your first perk, the choise is yours: If you do want to try and build up a killstreak, use Scavenger to pick up extra grenades, rockets and C4's. If you like a more fast-paced gameplay, use Sleight of Hand to quickly reload. Also, the RPG needs to aim down the sight before firing, so Sleight of Hand will make you fire rockets just a bit faster, which can come in quite handy with this class.
That's it for today. Stay tuned and please comment and follow!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
WA2000 Sniping Class
Today, i'll guide you through using a very underused sniper rifle effectively. I'm sure everybody has tried sniping with the good old Intervention, or the Barret .50cal, just because of their ability to rack up one shot kills, and the low amount of hitmarkers you get. Either way, do give this class a shot, as you may find it surprisingly fun to use.
Playstyle: You may be wondering: why cold blooded instead of stopping power? This is because the one-shot kill zone of the WA2000, unlike other sniper rifles, is not affected by stopping power. This means that, with or without stopping power, the WA2000 will be a one-shot kill in the head and chest area. All other parts of the body are a two-shot kill. This is gonna be very important in our playing style, because our advantage, particularly against other snipers, lies in our stealth. Although a silencer would make us completely stealthy, it reduces the damage, so that a chest/headshot will not be a one-shot kill anymore. Also, thermal makes it alot easier to identify targets on great distances. Only fire your shots when you are confident you will hit, because pulling the trigger means giving away your position. The key is to be patient. You may get a few hitmarkers, but rushing straight towards the enemy will, almost always, lead to a certain death. Try to stick around the edges of the map. Make your way around buildings, rather than entering them. When you pull your trigger on an enemy, always fire two shots, and then aim again. Two hits will very likely mean a kill for you, where one shot may leave you with a frustrating hitmarker. The WA has a magazine size of 6 bullets, theoretically being three kills, but with sleight of hand, and most likely being far away from your foe, reloading is fairly easy. In a face to face gun fight, you'll often find yourself dying with this class. So if you spot an enemy, but he has spotted you too, try getting to cover of laying down, rather than spray and praying. When you do need to get up close (for example if you need to clear a room), your magnums come in handy. The magnums may not be very good on a class with stopping power, but, like the WA, they remain very effective without it. Good maps to use this class in are generally the larger, more open maps like Wasteland, Afghan, Derail or Underpass, since you can stay at a greater distance while still being able to pick people off easily.
Give it a try, and don't give up after losing a game. Once mastered, the WA with Cold Blooded is a very deadly combination! Please comment/follow, and stick around because the next class will be a very aggressive, designed for racking up multikills!
Primary: WA2000 with Thermal
Secondary: Magnum with Akimbo
Equipment: Semtex
Grenades: Stun
Perk 1: Sleight of Hand Pro
Perk 2: Cold Blooded Pro
Perk 3: Ninja Pro
Death streak: Final StandPlaystyle: You may be wondering: why cold blooded instead of stopping power? This is because the one-shot kill zone of the WA2000, unlike other sniper rifles, is not affected by stopping power. This means that, with or without stopping power, the WA2000 will be a one-shot kill in the head and chest area. All other parts of the body are a two-shot kill. This is gonna be very important in our playing style, because our advantage, particularly against other snipers, lies in our stealth. Although a silencer would make us completely stealthy, it reduces the damage, so that a chest/headshot will not be a one-shot kill anymore. Also, thermal makes it alot easier to identify targets on great distances. Only fire your shots when you are confident you will hit, because pulling the trigger means giving away your position. The key is to be patient. You may get a few hitmarkers, but rushing straight towards the enemy will, almost always, lead to a certain death. Try to stick around the edges of the map. Make your way around buildings, rather than entering them. When you pull your trigger on an enemy, always fire two shots, and then aim again. Two hits will very likely mean a kill for you, where one shot may leave you with a frustrating hitmarker. The WA has a magazine size of 6 bullets, theoretically being three kills, but with sleight of hand, and most likely being far away from your foe, reloading is fairly easy. In a face to face gun fight, you'll often find yourself dying with this class. So if you spot an enemy, but he has spotted you too, try getting to cover of laying down, rather than spray and praying. When you do need to get up close (for example if you need to clear a room), your magnums come in handy. The magnums may not be very good on a class with stopping power, but, like the WA, they remain very effective without it. Good maps to use this class in are generally the larger, more open maps like Wasteland, Afghan, Derail or Underpass, since you can stay at a greater distance while still being able to pick people off easily.
Give it a try, and don't give up after losing a game. Once mastered, the WA with Cold Blooded is a very deadly combination! Please comment/follow, and stick around because the next class will be a very aggressive, designed for racking up multikills!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Rushing/Flanking class
Today I´ll be discussing one of my personal favorite classes.
This class may be viewed by some as choosing the easy way out, because the primary weapon is one of the most overpowered ones in the entire game. Either way, please follow and let me know what you think, because i´ll be blogging more classes very soon!
Primary: UMP45 with Silencer
Secondary: M93 Raffica with Akimbo
Equipment: Semtex
Grenades: Stun
Perk 1: Marathon Pro
Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro
Perk 3: Ninja Pro
Death streak: Final Stand/Painkiller
Playstyle: The UMP45 is a very powerfull sub machine gun, and can be effectively used up to very large ranges. However, the playstyle for this class is not looking for people on the other side of the map from the safety of your rooftop campspot. This class is built primarely for rushing the enemy spawn, or flanking the opponent and surprising them with an unexpected hail of bullets in the back. Because your primary weapon has a silencer, your sneak-attacks won't be detected on enemy radar as soon as you pull a shot, giving you enough time to whipe out the entire enemy team before anyone knows whats happening. This is also where Ninja Pro gives you the edge, as your footsteps will be silent, and you won't be detected by heartbeat sensors. As you don't have steady aim, I would advise to only hipfire up to ranges like 10-15 feet, as you'll find your bullets spreading all over the place. When you know you are gonna be entering a building and will probably encounter one or more close-quarters encounters, pull out your Raffica's. Without the ability to aim down the sights, and without the benefit of steady aim, the bullets will spread somewhat, but the quick 6-burst shot will, in most cases, garantee a one-burst-kill. At short to middle ranges, fully automatic fire suits the UMP very well. The silencer also gives you reduced recoil and reduced muzzle-flash, making it easier to stay on target. When you do see someone far away and you're in a safe enough position, try to single shot, because that way you'll make each shot count. This class works best in maps with alot of short to middle range encounters, like Scrapyard, Skidrow or Favela. If you have trouble using the burst-fired Raffica's, you could try switching them for G18 with akimbo.
That's it for today. Please follow/comment, and stay tuned for the next class!
This class may be viewed by some as choosing the easy way out, because the primary weapon is one of the most overpowered ones in the entire game. Either way, please follow and let me know what you think, because i´ll be blogging more classes very soon!
Primary: UMP45 with Silencer
Secondary: M93 Raffica with Akimbo
Equipment: Semtex
Grenades: Stun
Perk 1: Marathon Pro
Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro
Perk 3: Ninja Pro
Death streak: Final Stand/Painkiller
Playstyle: The UMP45 is a very powerfull sub machine gun, and can be effectively used up to very large ranges. However, the playstyle for this class is not looking for people on the other side of the map from the safety of your rooftop campspot. This class is built primarely for rushing the enemy spawn, or flanking the opponent and surprising them with an unexpected hail of bullets in the back. Because your primary weapon has a silencer, your sneak-attacks won't be detected on enemy radar as soon as you pull a shot, giving you enough time to whipe out the entire enemy team before anyone knows whats happening. This is also where Ninja Pro gives you the edge, as your footsteps will be silent, and you won't be detected by heartbeat sensors. As you don't have steady aim, I would advise to only hipfire up to ranges like 10-15 feet, as you'll find your bullets spreading all over the place. When you know you are gonna be entering a building and will probably encounter one or more close-quarters encounters, pull out your Raffica's. Without the ability to aim down the sights, and without the benefit of steady aim, the bullets will spread somewhat, but the quick 6-burst shot will, in most cases, garantee a one-burst-kill. At short to middle ranges, fully automatic fire suits the UMP very well. The silencer also gives you reduced recoil and reduced muzzle-flash, making it easier to stay on target. When you do see someone far away and you're in a safe enough position, try to single shot, because that way you'll make each shot count. This class works best in maps with alot of short to middle range encounters, like Scrapyard, Skidrow or Favela. If you have trouble using the burst-fired Raffica's, you could try switching them for G18 with akimbo.
That's it for today. Please follow/comment, and stay tuned for the next class!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Guide to Modern Warfare 2 weapons
Welcome to this guide on the weapons in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
In this blog I will guide you through the various weapons in the game.
If you like my blog and/or want me to add more (e.g. attachments, perks, killstreaks, maps), please let me know!
1. Assault Rifles
2. Sub Machine Guns
3. Light Machine Guns
4. Sniper Rifles
5. Machine Pistols
(more will be added soon)
For most weapons, there will be two amounts of damage in the statistics.
The first one is the damage at short ranges, the second one at the longest range. The damage will drop from the maximum to the minimum as the distance to your target increases. Adding a silencer to your weapon will make the damage drop faster over range. Some (not all!) weapons also have less maximum/minimum damage when silenced. The silenced max/min damage will be between brackets.
1. Assault Rifles
Fully automatic
Damage: 30-20
Magazine size: 30
Auxiliary rounds: 60
Max rounds: 180
Firing rate: 780 RPM
Fully automatic
Fully automatic
Semi-automatic (single shot)
3-burst shots
Fully automatic
Fully automatic
Fully automatic
In this blog I will guide you through the various weapons in the game.
If you like my blog and/or want me to add more (e.g. attachments, perks, killstreaks, maps), please let me know!
1. Assault Rifles
2. Sub Machine Guns
3. Light Machine Guns
4. Sniper Rifles
5. Machine Pistols
(more will be added soon)
For most weapons, there will be two amounts of damage in the statistics.
The first one is the damage at short ranges, the second one at the longest range. The damage will drop from the maximum to the minimum as the distance to your target increases. Adding a silencer to your weapon will make the damage drop faster over range. Some (not all!) weapons also have less maximum/minimum damage when silenced. The silenced max/min damage will be between brackets.
1. Assault Rifles
Fully automatic
Damage: 30-20
Magazine size: 30
Auxiliary rounds: 60
Max rounds: 180
Firing rate: 780 RPM
3-burst shots
Damage: 40-30
Magazine size: 30
Auxiliary rounds: 60
Max rounds: 180
Fully automatic
Damage: 40-30
Magazine size: 20
Auxiliary rounds: 40
Max rounds: 120
Firing rate: 600 RPM
Fully automatic
Damage: 40-30
Magazine size: 30
Auxiliary rounds: 60
Max rounds: 180
Firing rate: 700 RPM
Semi-automatic (single shot)
Damage: 55-35
Magazine size: 20
Auxiliary rounds: 40
Max rounds: 120
3-burst shots
Damage: 40-30
Magazine size: 30
Auxiliary rounds: 60
Max rounds: 180
Fully automatic
Damage: 30-20
Magazine size: 30
Auxiliary rounds: 60
Max rounds: 180
Firing rate: 720 RPM
Fully automatic
Damage: 30-20
Magazine size: 30
Auxiliary rounds: 60
Max rounds: 180
Firing rate: 875 RPM
Fully automatic
Damage: 40-30
Magazine size: 30
Auxiliary rounds: 60
Max rounds: 180
Firing rate: 650 RPM
2. Sub Machine Guns
Fully automatic
Firing rate: 720 RPM
Firing rate: 600 RPM
Firing rate: 900 RPM
Firing rate: 910 RPM
Firing rate: 650 RPM
2. Sub Machine Guns
Fully automatic
Damage: 40-20
Magazine size: 30
Auxiliary rounds: 60
Max rounds: 180
Fully automatic
Damage: 40-35
Magazine size: 32
Auxiliary rounds: 64
Max rounds: 192
Fully automatic
Damage: 25-20
Magazine size: 30
Auxiliary rounds: 60
Max rounds: 180
Fully automatic
Damage: 30-20
Magazine size: 50
Auxiliary rounds: 100
Max rounds: 300
Fully automatic
Damage: 30-20
Magazine size: 32
Auxiliary rounds: 64
Max rounds: 192
Firing rate: 900 RPM
3. Light Machine Guns
Firing rate: 725 RPM
Firing rate: 630 RPM
Firing rate: 725 RPM
Firing rate: 600 RPM
Firing rate: 900 RPM
3. Light Machine Guns
Fully automatic
Damage: 40-40 (30-30)
Magazine size: 100
Auxiliary rounds: 100
Max rounds: 300
Fully automatic
Damage: 40-40 (30-30)
Magazine size: 100
Auxiliary rounds: 100
Max rounds: 300
Fully automatic
Damage: 30-30 (20-20)
Magazine size: 100
Auxiliary rounds: 100
Max rounds: 300
Fully automatic
Damage: 40-40 (30-30)
Magazine size: 42
Auxiliary rounds: 84
Max rounds: 252
Fully automatic
Damage: 30-30 (20-20)
Magazine size: 100
Auxiliary rounds: 100
Max rounds: 300
Firing rate: 910 RPM
4. Sniper Rifles
Barret .50cal
Semi-automatic (single fire)
Firing rate: 800 RPM
Firing rate: 880 RPM
Firing rate: 820 RPM
Firing rate: 910 RPM
4. Sniper Rifles
Damage: 70-70 (50-50)
Magazine size: 5
Auxiliary rounds: 15
Max rounds: 40
Barret .50cal
Semi-automatic (single fire)
Damage: 70-70 (50-50)
Magazine size: 10
Auxiliary rounds: 20
Max rounds: 60
Semi-automatic (single fire)
Damage: 70-70 (50-50)
Magazine size: 6
Auxiliary rounds: 18
Max rounds: 48
Semi-automatic (single fire)
Damage: 70-70 (50-50)
Magazine size: 10
Auxiliary rounds: 20
Max rounds: 60
5. Machine Pistols
Fully automatic
Damage: 40-20
Magazine size: 20
Auxiliary rounds: 40
Max rounds: 120
Fully automatic
Damage: 30-20
Magazine size: 33
Auxiliary rounds: 66
Max rounds: 198
M93 Raffica
3-burst shots
Damage: 40-30
Magazine size: 20
Auxiliary rounds: 40
Max rounds: 120
Fully automatic
Damage: 30-20
Magazine size: 15
Auxiliary rounds: 30
Max rounds: 90
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