Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Aggresive Explosives Class

First off, this is not a class designed to build up high killstreaks, as your ammo is limited and the occasional suicide does happen. Also, your enemy will probably hate you for using this setup, but don't let that keep you from having some low-skill fun.

Primary: Any Assault Rifle with Grenade Launcher
Secondary: RPG-7
Equipment: C4
Grenades: Flash
Perk 1: Scavenger/Sleight of Hand Pro
Perk 2: Danger Close Pro
Perk 3: Commando Pro
Death streak: Painkiller

Playstyle: Given that this class is not made to build up killstreaks, the way to play is to be very aggresive. Run straight towards were you suspect large groups of enemies to be, and bombard the place with RPG's and Grenades. If you think a building or room may hold one or more enemies, a well placed rocket will clear it. Aiming is not very important with the RPG, as the blast radius is quite large. Just make sure you hit something solid like a wall or the ground near the enemy, and it will often kill them. You'll find that, especially with Danger Close, you will get alot of double, triple, or even the occasional multikills. You should expect to get alot of kills, as well as alot of deaths, so if you k/d ratio means alot to you, this class is not for you. Note that where the grenade launcher will not detonate close to you, the RPG and C4 will, making suicide common. However, as long as you also make a kill with the explosion, it still means a 1 k/d, so its no big problem. When you run into an enemy at close range though, think twice before firing your RPG, as your third perk is Commando. Knifing will save you when you get caught reloading, or are inside a building. For your first perk, the choise is yours: If you do want to try and build up a killstreak, use Scavenger to pick up extra grenades, rockets and C4's. If you like a more fast-paced gameplay, use Sleight of Hand to quickly reload. Also, the RPG needs to aim down the sight before firing, so Sleight of Hand will make you fire rockets just a bit faster, which can come in quite handy with this class.

That's it for today. Stay tuned and please comment and follow!


  1. Great information! I look forward to more.

  2. "Your enemy will probably hate you for using this setup" "with grenade launcher" Haha, so true. Interesting setup though, may give it a try. Looks fun to play.

  3. Actually a pretty good method, I'll try it sometime and hope I don't get 50 12-year-olds screaming at me for it. Followed.

  4. I like this setup, but I'd go with claymores instead of C4.

  5. ahh the noob toob class, prepare to annoy lots of people. It is fun once in a while to do that though lol.

  6. Maybe I can get a kill now!!! Ha, probably not. I haven't been good at a COD game since the first modern warfare. just found your blog...good stuff!

  7. Thanks for the info hehehe will try some of them :D
